HTML and Styles

HTML is the backbone of web languages. We’ve spent several weeks learning about this as structural dialogue, and now we will put everything we’ve learned so far about HTML into practice.

This week, using our knowledge of HTML and GitHub, we will create a 3-page website. You are welcome to build on one of your previous assignments. If you do not already have an idea of what kind of site you would like to make, I suggest thinking of a topic you know a lot about - an academic study, craft, favorite recipe, artist technique, etc. for example - to inspire the content for your website. Once you know what your content will be, start collecting any relevant materials. The site you build should contain:

  1. Structural and semantic markup.
  2. Well-organized block-style page structure.
  3. Images (preferably your own, but sourced is allowed).
  4. Embedded media (video, audio, and/or Google Maps).
  5. Clean, legible coding.

This week is our last focusing on HTML, and next week we will be diving into CSS. I like to think of this week as a bridge between the two, and we will introduce some preliminary CSS concepts, such as how to integrate HTML and CSS.

Objectives of this topic are as follows.

  • Create a self-made 3+ page site.
  • Showcase an understanding of HTML as markup language.
  • Present a cohesive, linear, and complete set of instructions, directions, or other how-to guide through basic structure and basic styling.
  • Gain introductory knowledge of inline and embedded CSS styles